Catalyst to a Potato, a poem

illustration catalyst to a potato 3

Catalyst to a Potato, a poem


Can I perform the miracles of earth, sun, water?

Can I be the warmth that gently pries open

eyes, that coaxes forth pale shoots, that causes


hardness to soften to green? If I throw the potato

against the wall again and again, will I ever cause

the potato to change? For so long, I tried to form


myself in the potato’s image. I tried to become

round, dense and heavy with stability, I tried

to protect myself. It did not work, it failed.


Now all there is left is her, one small girl alone

in the world. Her lips are redder than mine ever

were. Her shoulders are strong, she is not fragile.


You were the potato, the one I could never change.

Lobbing you again and again brought no result,

no visible difference. Yet in your eyes I am


the one who remained indifferent. I am not

ashamed, yet I am the one who needs to change.

You want only to rebuild. Take stock of your


small garden, not everything there is sound.

There is no such thing as healing. There is only

covering over, sweeping under, tamping down.


You know we will never love each other again,

yet you do not weep. This time I will not do it

for you. I am finished with praying for miracles.


Filed under ancient history, anger, apologia, compassion, development, divorce, earth, heart, justice, karma, logic, love, marriage, maturity, mea culpa, mourning, mysterious, nature, personal responsibility, poetry, regret, relationships, soul, spirit, spiritual, truth

3 responses to “Catalyst to a Potato, a poem

  1. Murshida VA

    Beautiful, heartbreaking and real.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sad, and beautiful with raw intense emotions. Thank you sharing this.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Perfect. This aimed right at the heart, and hit the bullseye.


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