
A Lawyer's Prayers

Trading floor at Chicago Board of Trade (PD)

Jewelers, the shopping channels on cable television, and the Commodity Exchanges worldwide all identify gold and silver as “precious” metals. The Apostle Peter, however, had a different understanding.

Knowing that you were ransomed…not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ…” (1 Pet. 1: 18).

Lord Jesus, the world can weigh heavily on us. Others may fail to see the value of our work or fail to see us at all. Our dreams may shatter, and our hearts break. Satan stands ready at moment’s notice to whisper in our ear that we are worthless, our efforts useless. But those are lies.

You made us in Your image, Lord. Our worth is measured not by our accomplishments, but rather by Your great love for us…Your willingness to die in our place, the ransom for…

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2 responses to “Ransomed

  1. Thank you for the generous reblogs, Kimberly. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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